Thursday, April 2, 2015

Middle Schoolers Plan the Future

Pictured above is Mr. Coughlin's engineering team, who won “Best Educational System” Award at New England Regional Future City Competition. Thank you to Mr. Coughlin for organizing the club. And thank you to the young people for thinking about our future! Below is more information...

On Saturday, January 30th, a group of 7th and 8th grade students from the Dr. Albert F. Argenziano School competed in the New England regional Future City Competition at Northeastern University. This was the second year science teacher Michael Coughlin brought a team to the New England competition. The Future City Competition is a national, project-based learning experience where middle school students imagine, design, and build cities of the future. Students work as a team with an educator and engineer mentor to plan cities using SimCity™ software; research and write solutions to an engineering problem; build tabletop scale models with recycled materials; and present their ideas before judges.
This year’s challenge—Feeding Future Cities—asked students to design a futuristic urban farm environment to grow enough of one vegetable crop and one protein crop to feed their citizens. The Argenziano students designed a city focused on growing amaranth - a spinach-like green - and chicken within their city limits. The city was located on the Mediterranean island of Sicily 130 years in the future. The students built the city with a sustainable vision and made an engineering and agricultural university the centerpiece. The judges recognized the focus on education and awarded the team with the prize for the Best Education System, presented by judges from Northeastern University. The students thoroughly enjoyed the competition and look forward to doing even better next year.